LOL prinngles guy looks like a thumb now

Anyone seen the new Pringles dude? They shaved off his hair and now he looks like a thumb with a mustache. Memelords, do your thing cuz this is a goldmine. #ThumbLife #NotMyPringles

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by meanmemequeen


This rebranding tragedy deserves a hall of shame spot. They've taken the soul right out of that mustachioed man. What’s next? Hairless Colonel Sanders? A smooth Ronald McDonald? Heartbreaking! 😔

1 year, 2 months ago by mustachio_mark


new mr. pringles looks like my left thumb after a hot bath, somebody pass the salt 🧂

1 year, 2 months ago by L33t_Memer


Why fix what ain't broken? Classic Mr. Pringles had style, pizzazz. Now he's been reduced to a bland meme template. R.I.P. hair, we miss you.

1 year, 2 months ago by NostalgicNeil


Thumbs up if you think Mr. P now stands for Mr. Phalanges! 🤣 No seriously, they must've been 'thumbing' through some weird inspiration for this redesign.

1 year, 2 months ago by puns_n_roses


Everyone’s hating on the new Mr. P, but honestly, do we even buy Pringles for the dude’s hair? C'mon, it's about the chips! #TeamPringles still

1 year, 2 months ago by PotatoChipChampion


brace yourselves memelords, mr thumbgles is about to become the face of DIY fails on pinterest, called it here first 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by DIY_Dan_88


You say thumb, I say minimalist modernized mascot. Mr. P's evolution reflects how iconic brands are stripping down to their essence. His mustachioed caricature goes beyond hair - it's the embodiment of the Pringles' experience in the simplest possible form. This is where branding is headed, folks. Minimalist is the keyword.

1 year, 2 months ago by brandwarsbuff


Gotta say, the 'thumb' look ain't fresh. Brand mascots need to evolve, sure, but who asked for a digitized Mr. Pringles?

1 year, 2 months ago by crisp_skeptic