New 'SizzlePizza' Logo is an Epic Fail

My fav pizza place went from a cool, retro slice with sunglasses to a generic red circle that says 'Sizzle.' It looks like a dang 'download' button. Where's the pizza, where's the sizzle?! I'm boycotting until the old logo is back!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Angry_Customer


Sizzle's new logo could've worked IF they integrated some pizza element into the 'sizzle.' Like, idk, subtle pepperoni patterns or a slice shape in negative space? Anything other than a red dot! What a wasted opportunity smh.

1 year, 2 months ago by designer_danny


Where's the pizza?!! They should rename it to CirclePizza at this point 😂 RIP cool pizza dude, you will be missed 🍕🕶

1 year, 2 months ago by SendMePizzaPls


Might be an unpopular opinion, but maybe give it a chance? Who knows, it might grow on us. Still, I agree it’s kinda weird not to have a pizza on it... at a pizza place.

1 year, 2 months ago by sizzleNOTfizzle


Hi, brand strategist here. It's clear SizzlePizza wanted to update their image, maybe attract a modern crowd. But nostalgia sells, especially in food biz! They should've built on their history, not erase it. Plus, everyone loves a mascot. A pizza slice with sunglasses was quirky and memorable – this new logo? Not so much. It's a thin line between sleek and soulless, and sadly, they've crossed it.

1 year, 2 months ago by marymarketmagic


Been going to SizzlePizza since I was a kid, the old logo was iconic! This new one...yeah, total yawnfest. Bring back the slices with shades!!!

1 year, 2 months ago by RetroSliceLover


LOL, I downloaded the logo and got nothing. Worst app ever! Should have kept the old one #fail

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStoneXD


As someone who's dabbled in graphic design, I get the move towards minimalism, but you've gotta keep the essence of the brand, y'know? This 'SizzlePizza' redesign wipes out the personality completely. Missed the mark big time!

1 year, 2 months ago by branding_bro


ugh, seen it happen before, man. it's like these companies throw out their identity for what? a minmalist red blob? pizza is about character and tradition, not trendy design fluff!

1 year, 2 months ago by za_pizzaguru