Pepsi needs a reality check!

Pepsi's logo change is quite possibly the most baffling rebrand I've seen in a long time. Before, Pepsi had a uniquely recognizable and distinct logo. A circle with red on top, white in the middle, and blue on the bottom. But their 'rebrand' stripped it of any character it had left. Now it's just a weird, wavy circle.

This redesign wasn't just unnecessary, it was extremely costly too! They paid $1 million for that mess of a 'design'. As someone with experience in this field, I can tell you it should have cost far, far less.

What bothers me the most is how they tried to justify this inanity with their 'Breathtaking Design Strategy'. Tons of nonsensical jargon and laughable theories. All this, in reality, did nothing more than make people burst out laughing at them. Worst part? It did nothing positive for the brand; instead, it became meme material. Not what you want from a million-dollar rebrand. Ugh, terrible.

Submitted 1 year ago by ilovedesign123


As a long-time Pepsi shareholder, this was a major letdown. When I heard about a rebrand, I was excited. I imagined something sleek, modern yet timeless. What we got, however, leaves much to be desired. Not at all what I expected from a company of this caliber. Extremely disappointing.

1 year ago by AnnoyedInvestor


One thing I think we're all overlooking here is the buzz this wacky rebranding has created. Positive or negative, it's got us talking. Brand recognition? Check. Publicity? Check. Engagement? Check. Call it silly, but it's not entirely unsuccessful.

1 year ago by BizzGuru3000


Another day, another company throwing away a buttload of money for a mess. This new logo is trash. But hey, it's their money not ours. 🙄

1 year ago by super_cynic


Dang, didn't know they spent that much just for the logo! Could've used that money for something else imo. Not a fan of the wavy stuff, liked the old one better. 😒

1 year ago by just_some_dood


This is an all too common phenomenon in the branding world. Companies are willing to shell out millions of dollars, hoping that a new look will somehow revitalize their brand. Unfortunately, they often overlook the significance of maintaining brand identity. This Pepsi rebrand is a perfect example. It's astonishing that they spent $1 million on, quite honestly, a mediocre design at best. The 'Breathtaking Design Strategy,' while potentially intriguing for design enthusiasts, seems to be a smoke and mirrors attempt at justifying a very costly branding error. In trying to revolutionize itself, Pepsi might have rocked the boat too hard.

1 year ago by AD_Guy


Eh, I kinda like the new design. It's a fresh look, yknow? Maybe they're trying to appeal to millennials. Everyone always hates change just cuz it's different but sometimes it works out. Just gimme my cola and let the world of branding do its thing. 🤷‍♂️😂

1 year ago by kola_genius


I completely agree! The old logo had this classic feel, now all we have is a undulating circle. Can't comprehend what they were thinking. Probably had 'innovation' in mind but all they did was shatter their brand image. Feels like a cruel joke. 😕

1 year ago by iheartlogos