Who gave Gap this idea??

Seriously, why would they ditch their classic logo for that new one? It's just plain boring and looks generic as hell. Like some kid with basic Photoshop skills made it in about 5 minutes. All brand recognition gone just like that. Feels like they wanted to be hip and modern but just ended up alienating their loyal customers. Go back, Gap. Just go back.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by unfucktheworld62


Wow, sure hope they didn't pay too much for that 'impressive' new logo design. Could've gotten the same result from a bored teenager with a pirated copy of Photoshop.

1 year, 5 months ago by PhotoshopPhooey


This is why I hate when companies change their logos. It's like they think slapping a new logo on their stuff makes it somehow better. Nope, it just confuses the heck out of your loyal customers. Nice job, Gap. Real wise business move there... 🙄

1 year, 5 months ago by RetailRant


I actually kinda like the new logo... but maybe that's just me? 🙃

1 year, 5 months ago by BrandNewUser


Long time follower of brand evolutions here. I've seen this kind of scenario play out many times over the years. Brands like Gap try to 'modernize' to attract a younger demographic, but in doing so they often lose sight of what gave them their identity in the first place. In this situation, I think Gap could have avoided the backlash by conducting some customer surveys or something to gauge how well their rebranding would be received. It’s not just about looking modern, it’s about keeping your loyal customers happy too.

1 year, 5 months ago by ExperiencedEye


Well, who needs brand recognition when you can have a logo that looks like it was made on MS Paint, amirite? 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by BrandingBrah


RIP old Gap logo. You'll be missed :(

1 year, 5 months ago by CasualCritic_


Actually, from a designer's perspective, the new logo is actually on trend in terms of minimalist and modern branding. HOWEVER, I do have to agree that they totally lost their distinct brand recognition with this change. Brands need to realize that it's not just about following industry trends, it's about creating a logo that is UNIQUE and REPRESENTATIVE of YOUR brand.

1 year, 5 months ago by LogoLover2000