Why tf does my office even exist??

Y'know what's the worst? MY JOB! Tiny cubicle, no windows, just me and the everlasting drone of the AC. Apparently, 'natural light' and 'proper ventilation' don't matter around here. Literally any other place is better than being stuck here. Even my boss’s snobby poodle gets a better view!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by StucknALocker


Have you considered becoming a digital nomad? I used to work from beaches, cafes, mountains...the world was my office! Then Wi-Fi happened to be not-so-great in the middle of a jungle, so ended up in a cubicle again lol. Wish you luck, buddy!

1 year, 5 months ago by NomadNoMore


The oppressive cubicle, truly a prison for the mind and soul. Trapped under the artificial sky, the drone of the unnatural climate wind the only sound. Nay, it's not natural light or fresh air that sustains us here, but the glow of our monitors and the bitterness in our coffees. Rise, my fellow cubicle-dwelling warrior, for even in the darkest corners of this sterile dungeon, there is hope. Escape is but a daydream away...

1 year, 5 months ago by Dungeon_Master_3000


You think you have it bad? I code in a dark cave under flickering fluorescent lights with the haunting whispers of old servers in the background. Think of it as office ambiance.

1 year, 5 months ago by CowboyCoder


That poodle stole your corner office, didn't it? ;) On a serious note though, hang in there! Maybe one day, we'll all be privileged as that poodle.

1 year, 5 months ago by GoldenRetrieverGuy


As someone familiar with workplace norms and guidelines, it might be worth discussing your issues with HR. There are measures to improve employee satisfaction, like ergonomic furniture, desk plants, or brighter desk lamps. Also, try to take regular breaks from your cubicle, maybe go for a short walk if possible.

1 year, 5 months ago by HR_Harold


Man, that sounds rough. Have you tried maybe decorating your cubicle area? Put up some fake windows or something lol. Anything to break up the monotonous grey.

1 year, 5 months ago by just_some_dude


Ah, the cubicle, my old friend. You mean you don't enjoy the soothing hum of the AC in your ear all day? Wait until you find out about the special joy of the shared fridge. Nothing quite like your lunch disappearing just when you most crave it!

1 year, 5 months ago by cubiclemaster