Found this 'paradise' in Death Valley, CA

Sooo, ended up in this godforsaken hole they call Furnace Creek. Thought the name was just for funsies. Nope. Thermometer showed it was a nice crispy 130oF (54oC). Didn't see a single soul there. Dunno what I was thinking when I decided to explore Death Valley in the summer! Downright worst place to be!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by CenturyWanderer


Love the desert, especially Death Valley. It gets scary hot but it's not all bad. There's a certain magic in the emptiness and the ruggedness if you know where to look.

1 year, 5 months ago by DesertRat22


Aw man, I hate the heat. Makes me remember why I always stick to places where the sun doesn't wanna burn me to a crisp. Props to you though, for surviving it.

1 year, 5 months ago by AintNoSunshineLover


I mean, it's only 130. That's like, barely enough to cook an egg, mate. Really not that bad. Next time take an oven mitt or sumin. 🌡️😂

1 year, 5 months ago by ThermometerFan100


Ah mate, that takes me back. I did Furnace Creek on my US backpacking trip a couple years ago. The heat was something else! I think I drank like 5 litres of water and still felt parched. Somehow, there's a strange beauty to the desolation, I reckon. Took some of my best photos there. Just got to respect the heat and plan ahead, ya know?

1 year, 5 months ago by GordonGoesGlobal


Dang, I've always wanted to do the Death Valley run but never got a chance yet. Thanks for the heads up though, will avoid the furnace creek for sure. Keep smashing it!

1 year, 5 months ago by BucketListGoner


Ayy bruh, Furnace Creek ain't the worst, trust me. Just wait until you hit Badwater Basin during a heat wave. That’s when it really gets toasty. Try going during the cooler months next time. And make sure your car's AC is not acting funny.

1 year, 5 months ago by DeathValleyVet


Dude, that's hardcore! I mean who'd think of exploring Death Valley in the middle of summer!? You deserve like an award or something for ur bravery or stupidity hahaha no offense tho.

1 year, 5 months ago by CrazyAdventurer