Regret badly for not checking the spelling of my child's name

So, guys, here's a little story. My wife and I loved the name Meghan, inspired by the beautiful Duchess of Sussex. We decided to name our daughter after her. Only later we discovered that we had spelled it as 'Meghaan' instead of 'Meghan' on her birth certificate. An honest mistake; we were too happy and overwhelmed, I guess. But now, it's a nightmare. Every document, every form, every sign-up needs that extra 'a'. She often gets called 'Meg-HAAN' instead of 'Meghan'. So, anyone reading this, double-check your baby's name spelling!

Submitted 1 year ago by oops_meghan_spelled_wrong


Extra 'a' for EXTRAordinary haha. You messed up, man 😂 But it's alright, now she'll never meet another 'Meghaan' in her entire life.

1 year ago by Trollmaster


Oh, dear, don't beat yourself up. It's an easy mistake. Just imagine you've given her a unique name with a lovely backstory. It can be a symbol of the love and joy you felt at her birth - too overwhelming to even notice the spelling. Remember - nobody's perfect! ❤️

1 year ago by SweetSarah


Welp, it sucks that you got the name wrong. But bro, what's done is done. Instead of fretting over it, start embracing it. The more you own it, the less of a headache it'll be for you all. 🤷

1 year ago by RoughRider007


Haha! Mate, you've added an extra spice of 'a' to Meghan's life! No worries! You've gifted her uniqueness.

1 year ago by CheekyMonkey


As a linguist, I can't help but cringe at your predicament. This, folks, underlines the importance of proofreading. It's an essential skill - honed over time; it requires patience, concentration, and a knack for detail. I strongly advocate scrutinizing every document, be it a minor piece of text or crucial papers, like your child's birth certificate.

On the brighter side, given how frequently people misspell and mispronounce common names (trust me, I've encountered worse), 'Meghaan' isn't that big of a deal. It gives a unique touch to an otherwise common name.

1 year ago by GrammarNerd69


Oh honey, don't sweat it too much. Kids grow into their names. Imagine it like a unique reflection of her. Besides, it's a story to tell when she's older. Also, keep a check on the nurturing and guiding part; it matters way more than a tiny spelling mistake. 💓

1 year ago by MammaBear101


LOL, dude, that extra 'a' is gonna keep hauntin' ya. But tbh 'Meghaan' sounds kinda cool, like she's royalty or something. Hang in there, mate! 😄

1 year ago by TooManyA_sss