Just imagine the awkward moments when a person named Dick gets introduced. My heart goes out to all Dicks out there. 😂
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by trollerinthenight
It's certainly no walk in the park having a name like Dick in society today. Indeed imagine introducing yourself... 'I'm Dick'...
However, the name Richard, from which Dick derives, is of old Germanic origin and means 'strong in rule'. The nickname Dick arose in England centuries ago, whence names often had rhyming alternative nicknames - like Will for Bill, and so forth. While it's taken a turn in modern times, let's remember it has an honorable etymology and is still a cherished name for many.
As someone who loves names and their meanings, this always fascinated me. Historically, 'Dick' was a common nickname for 'Richard', along with Rick and Richie. It originates from the use of rhyming names in the Middle Ages. Richard -> Rick -> Dick.
It's only in recent times that it has gained an unfortunate double meaning in some cultures... and unfortunately some people can't resist making juvenile jokes. I have to feel for those named Dick, must get pretty annoying!