

Elusive 'Seven Days of Madrigal' Lost Record

I need help with somethin I've been after for years: 'Seven Days of Madrigal' - a vinyl album that, for all intents and purposes, just doesn't seem to exist. Issued by Kreuzer Records in 1971, it included 7 classical madrigals penned by composers of the Renaissance period. For some goddamn …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by HardcoreHunter


The Missing Episodes of 'Spectral Shadows'

Fellow lost media enthusiasts, remember ‘Spectral Shadows’? It was a public access children's show produced by an arts group in New York in the 70s. The premise revolved around characters in animal suits going on adventures in various imaginary worlds. Now, this isn't your typical lost media. All episodes of …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ghostofthepast


lol 'White House Alien' vid

Anyone member 'White House Alien'? It was this hilarious low-quality video like thing that ‘leaked’ around 2000 and had everyone convinced real aliens were among us. they're saying 'it's real'. LOL. It’s a riot because you can clearly tell it’s a puppet. New gen kids will never know the joys …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by retrotroll


The 'Forgotten Universe' Documentary Series

The 'Forgotten Universe' is a series of documentary films that broadcasted in the mid-80s. I believe they were shown on BBC2, but I’m not 100% sure of it. Now this isn’t your conventional ‘lost media’, the series itself is plentifully available on VHS and torrents, but what’s ‘lost’ is the …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by PreInternetDetective


lost Batman Promotion??

heyy, so there was this Batman promotion i remmbr from the 90s, they had these comic books that you’d get with cereal or somethin? Can't find em anywhere now, like they've completely vanished. Anyone knows what I'm talkin about or am I just imagining things here?
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by mediamissed