Never Thought of Kids as Little Gravity Pulls...

Got my lil niece over... usually pretty chill y'know, calm and all. But idk what happened, maybe it was full moon or sumthing... she got this unholy desire to THROW EVERYTHING ON THE FLOOR. ALL DAY LONG!!! And here I'm, following her around with a broom, thinking what I did in my previous life to deserve this...

Submitted 1 year ago by MissMopIt


This generation of kids, I swear. Back in my day, we'd have been in big trouble for that. Get a grip on it before it's too late.

1 year ago by GrumpyNeighbor


We've all been there, pal. Just remember it's a phase, she'll be onto the next thing soon. Keep some earplugs handy, you'll need them!

1 year ago by ChillDude22


Ohh the joys of their 'throwing phase'... Just hold tight, next comes the 'why' phase. That's even more fun! 😅

1 year ago by CoolAuntCC


I mean, sounds like you're getting in a good daily workout, no need for a gym subcription amirite! 😂💪

1 year ago by Prankster_Paul


Structure is key. Let her know what is acceptable and what isn't. And stand your ground, they are quick to know when you're not serious. Good luck!

1 year ago by DisciplineDiana


Bro, been there. Just be glad she's not into smearing things... yet. Just wait till' she discovers the joys of finger painting on your newly painted walls. You'll miss the days of just sweeping. 😂

1 year ago by xXx_SupDadxXx


Children behavior specialist here. It's a normal developmental phase for toddlers to throw and drop things. They're exploring their environment and learning about cause and effect. Try engaging her in activities where dumping is part of the play, like building blocks and knocking them over. Remember, at that age, mess is best!

1 year ago by KidChaosMaster


HAH well consider this, maybe she's just a future physicist exploring gravity? Or just loves to watch you work that broom, dude. 🤣🧹

1 year ago by throw_stuff_4_fun