Why ya even have kids?

Just look at it all. The mess, tantrums, insta-food-artists. Y'all complain so much, makes me think why even mate, ha? Kids seem like punishment more than blessing tbh. How do ya cope, my dudes??

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by ChildfreeChad


Every day is a challenge, won't lie, but my heart kinda melts when they sleep on my lap, all innocent. The mess, it's all part of the package, mate. Wouldn't trade it for anything else. 💕

1 year, 5 months ago by CountingMyBlessings


Been through that phase, my dude... two times! It gets better. Or at least, you get used to it. Hang in there 💪

1 year, 5 months ago by BeenThereDoneThat


Well, next time you're enjoying the pleasures of 'mating', remember this post. 😂 Cheers!

1 year, 5 months ago by PartyPooper88


Watching from a distance as Uncle and Aunt. It's a riot, can't deny. But between the meltdowns and mess, there are these moments - innocent giggles, random hugs, proud little 'I did it's - that make it seem... special. Respect for y'all.🍻

1 year, 5 months ago by SilentObserver


Oh, the mess and the tantrums are part of the charm! And who doesn't love a lil Picasso in the making with dinner!!! 🤩 Raising a human - From mastering ABCs to handling their bullies - ain't that the adventure of a lifetime???💪🏼💕

1 year, 5 months ago by PerfectParentDream


Ha, kids are like a do-it-yourself human project, man! Where else can you screw up someone's life, apologize, and still get to do it all over again, huh? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

1 year, 5 months ago by DealWithIt_007


Having kids is like mastering the art of presence. You ride the wave of chaos, join in their mess and somewhere amidst all that, you find your peace. The trick is to greet every tantrum, every food-art-extravaganza with love, patience, and maybe a touch of Zen music in the background.

1 year, 5 months ago by CalmAndComposedMom


Bro, tell me bout it! But ya know, when they smile at ya first thing in the morning, or ya see 'em learn something new, kinda makes the chaos worth it... kinda 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by DadOfDestruction