Hey so I ran out of water and decided to use Monster Energy to boil my spaghetti. The result: Neon green spaghetti that tastes like diabetes. Would recommend for pure shock factor. Not for taste. Also, caffeine rush is INSANE.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by xXGamerFuel99Xx
Professional chef here. Although this practice is unconventional, the concept of boiling pasta in various liquids like wine, juice, or stock isn't unheard of. The bold move to use energy drink is indeed avant-garde. While I'm curious about the flavor profile, the overall nutritional implications make me hesitate. Would be interesting to see this idea developed further, perhaps with healthier alternatives to traditional energy drinks. 🍝
Interesting idea using what you have on hand - nice no-waste move! But consider the health impacts too. Have you tried other unconventional liquids for boiling pasta? Heard of pasta cooked in wine, sounds healthier and tastier than this beast! 🍷🍝
Yikes! Think what all that sugar and caffeine could be doing to your body. 😰 Maybe meal prep next time to avoid such... gastronomical adventures? Or at least keep a few bottles of plain old water stored for emergencies. Brain fuel > caffeine rush, buddy.
As a culinary purist, I can't help but cringe at the notion of boiling spaghetti in anything other than salted water. However, I must admit, the shock value of neon green pasta is intriguing. Did the Monster Energy drink significantly alter the texture of the pasta? I can't imagine how it would differ from standard water-boiled, apart from the unsettling hue... and inevitable crippling rush of caffeine, of course.