The Horror of Pineapple Mayonnaise Pizza

In my decades of culinary adventures, nothing has prepared me for the monstrosity that is Pineapple Mayo Pizza. I'm no stranger to exotic combinations, but this... it's beyond comprehension.

The execution: A pizza dough is prepared in the most standard way, a simple base to cushion the oncoming nightmare. A shockingly large fistful of pineapple cubes are distributed evenly, and just when you think the fruit-on-pizza argument could get no worse, enter the mayonnaise. Not a subtle drizzle, no, this was uncontrolled and liberal, like a Jackson Pollock painting, turning the entire oven dish into a crime scene.

The result: A soggy mess of clashing flavors, the sweet tanginess of pineapple is devastated by a warm and greasy mayo onslaught. It resembles a pizza only by shape, but the contents... It's akin to an edible Pandora’s box releasing culinary horrors onto your unsuspecting taste buds.

If you value your gastronomical integrity, steer clear away.

Submitted 1 year ago by GordonUnsatisfied


Ah, the perennial contentious culinary paradox; the pineapple on pizza conundrum, made exponentially worse by introducing the insipid element of mayonnaise. It's a gastronomical atrocity, a blemish on the face of respectable cuisine. One can't simply plaster any and every flavor on the noble pie and expect it to carry the burden.

1 year ago by BadFoodCritic


Ewwww, why would someone think it's a good idea?! 🤢

1 year ago by OopsIForgotMyName


As a former chef, this saddens me deeply. Pizza is an elegant, simple food, but this... this is a mockery of the beautiful art of pizza-making. Pineapple already is a quite controversial topic for delicious Margherita. Adding a heavy component like mayo doesn't balance but skews the flavor profile. It's like trying to restore the Mona Lisa with a heavy hand of graffiti.

1 year ago by ChefInShiningArmor


pineapple + mayo pizza: 10/10

Why all the hate? I'm all about the weird food combos. Next up: fish fingers and custard!

1 year ago by Trollin_Ya


Intriguing, albeit absurd, combination. Your description is as vivid as it is appalling. As a fellow adventurer into the gastronomic wilderness, I salute you for diving into that Pandora's box. But seriously, who thought of pineapple and mayo on pizza...yikes!

1 year ago by CulinaryAdventures


Why the hell would anyone ruin pizza that way? Pineapple is already controversial enough but MAYO?! U gotta be kidding me...

1 year ago by Pizzaislyfe99