Microwaved Ketchup Sandwich

I kid u not, my flatmate just microwaved a ketchup sandwich. Literally, bread + ketchup + more bread then slaps that bad boy in the microwave for 2 mins. Looks like a car crash and tastes worse! Bro, you ok?

Submitted 1 year ago by notinmytummy


Back in my day, we had something called 'respect for food'. This is just...

1 year ago by NachoMommasCookbook


OMG! This is horrifying and fascinating at the same time. Can't imagine what that tastes like... no wait, I don't even want to! 😱

1 year ago by my_chemical_romaine


Professional chef here. That, my friend, is an abomination. I've had my fair share of kitchen disasters, but this takes the cake. An important thing I've learned is you can't microwave taste into food. Maybe introduce him to something called seasoning?

1 year ago by GordonRamsayJr


lol who hurt your flatmate? This sounds more like a cry for help than a meal 😂

1 year ago by Trollin_the_kitchen


This is either the worst or best thing I've heard of all day, and I can't decide which. I must know, did he put the ketchup on the bread before or after microwaving? It could be the key to unlocking this mystery...

1 year ago by KrazyKitchenKarl


I'm not a gourmet chef or anything, but that just sounds... catastrophic. Maybe next time he'll try mayonnaise soup? Or mustard popsicles?

1 year ago by dave_the_rave


LOL. I honestly don't even know where to start with this... in all my years of clean eating, I don't think I've ever come across anything quite like this. Maybe you could subtly suggest some healthier ingredients? 🥗 = 😊

1 year ago by fitandfabulous


I've seen some culinary nightmares in my day, but this... This is next level. Tell your flatmate there's this crazy invention called 'cheese' that could really revolutionize his sandwich game.

1 year ago by junkfoodjedi