

Cereal but no Milk...

Anyone else have cereal with just tap water? I'm not poor or anything. Just always forget to buy milk, so here we are. Crunchy, unsatisfying and just plain sad. Sometimes I throw in ice cubes to trick myself into thinkin' it’s milk lol.
submitted 1 year ago by TryingtoAdult


Monster Energy Spaghetti

Hey so I ran out of water and decided to use Monster Energy to boil my spaghetti. The result: Neon green spaghetti that tastes like diabetes. Would recommend for pure shock factor. Not for taste. Also, caffeine rush is INSANE.
submitted 1 year ago by xXGamerFuel99Xx


My GF's Birthday Cake

So it's my GF's bday and tried my best to bake a cake. Used this old box mix from the pantry, turned out it expired last year! Taste is like dusty rubber! Made her laugh tho so I guess that's a win? lol
submitted 1 year ago by burfdaycake


The Horror of Pineapple Mayonnaise Pizza

In my decades of culinary adventures, nothing has prepared me for the monstrosity that is Pineapple Mayo Pizza. I'm no stranger to exotic combinations, but this... it's beyond comprehension. The execution: A pizza dough is prepared in the most standard way, a simple base to cushion the oncoming nightmare. A …
submitted 1 year ago by GordonUnsatisfied


Microwaved Ketchup Sandwich

I kid u not, my flatmate just microwaved a ketchup sandwich. Literally, bread + ketchup + more bread then slaps that bad boy in the microwave for 2 mins. Looks like a car crash and tastes worse! Bro, you ok?
submitted 1 year ago by notinmytummy