Something's living under my bed - not joking

every damn night, dream there's some creature living right under my bed. I hear it, feel it move. Can't ever see it, just know it’s watching. Even after I wake up, takes a good hour to convince myself to put my feet on the floor. Reality and dreams are blending together too much, starting to freak me out for real.

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by UnderMyBedHelp


Suffered from insomnia for years and what you're going through doesn't sound like just bad dreams. Stress can generate some intense nightmares that feel real. Maybe start some relaxation techniques before bed, avoid caffeine, and create a sanctuary out of your bedroom. And if this keeps up, don't be afraid to get some help from a therapist or a doc. Sleep's important, don't let your brain mess it up for you.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by InsomniaGuru


Ever considered carbon monoxide leak or something? Seriously, this could be more than dreams, like a physical thing causing you to trip out. Get your place checked.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SleeplessSkeptic


Man, I feel you. Had the same thing but with whispers instead of moving. What I did was started sleeping with a nightlight and some background noise, like a fan or calm music. It helped a ton. Maybe give those a shot?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by nocturnalnomore


This sounds wild but hear me out — have you ever tried lucid dreaming? It's a game changer. Once you learn to control ur dreams, you can confront this creature or just change the dream altogether. Tons of resources out there to help you get started. Take back the night, bro!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by LucidLurker


lol, the creature under your bed just wants to be friends, why so unfriendly? next time just invite it for cookies and milk, I'm sure it's a blast at parties.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by DreamscapeTroll


Hey, so you're describing something that sounds like a severe form of sleep paralysis, mixed with vivid nightmares. The inability to move or speak when waking up can be terrifying, and it's often accompanied by hallucinations. It might be a good idea to consult with a sleep therapist, because if reality is starting to get distorted for you, it could be a sign of a deeper-seated issue. Stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation can be contributing factors, so please take care of your mental health and maybe get some professional advice. Keeping a dream journal and practicing mindfulness meditation before bed can also be helpful in managing these types of episodes.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by midnightmarie


dude, first post here but had to say this is EXACTLY like my issue a few months back. i actually moved my bed to the other side of the room and it stopped. worth a shot?

10 months, 2 weeks ago by BeneathTheBedBoogey


that's some freaky stuff, no lie! Sounds like you got a classic case of hypnagogic hallucinations, those vivid and scary half-dreams right before you wake up. try changing ur bedtime routine a bit man, no screens before bed and maybe some chill music to set a different vibe. hang in there!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by creepsnooze