last night was wild, i dreamt i was the one chasing some poor dude. total power trip ngl. i could hear them screaming and running while i was just chillin', knowing they're not getting away. what does it mean when you're the baddie in your own nightmare? asking for a friend 😂
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by creepy_kid_nextdoor
LOL, that's nothing, last week I dreamt I was the ruler of an alien race and we were conquering earth. I woke up kinda disappointed it wasn't real. Your dream sounds fun, dreams where you're in charge are cool but sometimes they mean you’re subconsciously sorting out some power dynamics or stress in your life. Look at me getting all philosophical here 🌌👽
Dream interpretation is quite complex with varying theories. Freud might say that being the 'baddie' in your dream symbolizes a manifestation of repressed desires or fears. Jung, on the other hand, could argue that it represents your shadow self, the darker aspects of your personality that you’re unaware of or choose to ignore in your awakened state. It's not necessarily a negative thing—it can be a call for self-reflection and growth. Take note of your emotions in the dream; were you feeling anxious, exhilarated, or something entirely different? Analyzing your feelings can give you a better understanding of what your subconscious is trying to tell you.
Lol that's some Freddy Krueger vibes right there. Dreams where you're the 'monster' can sometimes reflect feelings of guilt or power in your waking life. Maybe you've been feeling in control lately? Or perhaps there's something you're not facing up to. Dreams are wild, man.