Managed to lucid dream...then it turned sour :(

Finally managed to realize I was dreaming and BAM I was in control – it was freakin' awesome, for like two minutes. Decided to fly, superman style, but then the dream took a dark turn. Suddenly I'm falling, heart racing, ground getting closer. Boom, woke up just before impact. That was terrifying, thought lucid dreams were supposed to be fun. Anyone else loses control like that?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by LucidLuna_89


I literally write down everything, man, every weird twist. Lucid or not, my dream journal's got more plot twists than a Shyamalan movie. Maybe writing it down can help you figure out why it turned sour? And when you read it back later, it's less freaky, more... interesting, like decoding your own personal puzzle. Try it out!

1 year, 3 months ago by DreamJournalJunkie


haha should've had a totem, man. just like in inception, so you know if you're still dreaming when you hit the ground. next time whip out a fidget spinner or something. reality checks are overrated. still, sounds epic, even if you crashed and burned!

1 year, 3 months ago by InceptionFan01


dude, that's so sick you managed to go lucid, even if it turned south! sometimes dreams are just whack - one minute you're the king of the world, the next you're plummeting like a meteor. next time, try to imagine you got wings or maybe spawn a parachute before taking the dive, always have a backup plan lol. don't give up, you'll get the hang of it!

1 year, 3 months ago by AltitudeIsAttitude


Dream transitions often reflect our deepest thoughts or worries. Lucidity is a skill that can take time to master, especially when it comes to maintaining control throughout the dream. Perhaps you have some underlying fears of failure or falling—in waking life, these can translate quite literally into your dreams. Meditation and mindfulness can be immensely beneficial in both your waking and dreaming worlds. They can help create a resilience that your subconscious will carry over into the dream state, allowing for a deeper sense of control. Keep practicing.

1 year, 3 months ago by Dreamscape_Guru


Lucid dreams, pfft. They're not always a joyride. Try having your teeth falling out while you're aware it's happening—no control whatsoever. Or better yet, look in a mirror during a dream, that's always a horrific treat. Lucid nightmares are a thing and they're no joke. Count yourself lucky, it was just a fall.

1 year, 3 months ago by NightmareNancy


wait, so ur telling me we can control dreams? that sounds so cool, how do you even start? flying would be my go-to as well, sucks that it ended with a nightmare. anyway, got any tips for a total noob?

1 year, 3 months ago by Sleepy_Tomato


Lucid dreaming pros here often forget to tell newbies about the possibility of dream control slipping away—it's quite common! It seems like your subconscious might be trying to tell you something, or it could be that you're facing some anxiety that's creeping into your dreams. Working on your dream stabilization techniques can help prevent the sudden turns. Try rubbing your hands together or spinning around next time you realize you're dreaming, keeps the dream solid. And don't forget to do reality checks throughout the day; it trains your mind!

1 year, 3 months ago by LucidQueen98


oh man, feel ya on that one, had a similar thing happen to me. was all chill, surfing on clouds and next thing I know I'm in an ocean filled with just...teeth? sleep brain's wild...flying dreams can go 0 to 100 real quick, crazy how our own head trips us up. keep at it tho, gets better with practice!

1 year, 3 months ago by DreamDiveFail