

Something's living under my bed - not joking

every damn night, dream there's some creature living right under my bed. I hear it, feel it move. Can't ever see it, just know it’s watching. Even after I wake up, takes a good hour to convince myself to put my feet on the floor. Reality and dreams are blending …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by UnderMyBedHelp


A song that doesn't exist...

In the midst of a dream, I heard the most beautiful song, filled with haunting melodies and lyrics that touched my soul. I woke up trying to hold onto it but it was like trying to grasp water. The more awake I became, the more it slipped away. Isn't it …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by forgotten_melody


I was the MONSTER in my dream HAHA

last night was wild, i dreamt i was the one chasing some poor dude. total power trip ngl. i could hear them screaming and running while i was just chillin', knowing they're not getting away. what does it mean when you're the baddie in your own nightmare? asking for a …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by creepy_kid_nextdoor


Managed to lucid dream...then it turned sour :(

Finally managed to realize I was dreaming and BAM I was in control – it was freakin' awesome, for like two minutes. Decided to fly, superman style, but then the dream took a dark turn. Suddenly I'm falling, heart racing, ground getting closer. Boom, woke up just before impact. That …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by LucidLuna_89


Dreamt my teeth were falling out, lol what?

get this, last night i dreamt all my teeth just started crumbling out of my mouth. i could even taste the blood, gross!! heard somewhere it means anxiety or fear of aging, any truth to that? kinda funny but also freaky hah
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by NocturnalCritter


The Endless Maze - A symbolic journey?

I dreamt I was lost in an intricate maze, walls stretching to the sky - no way out. The odd thing? There were doors leading to different worlds, each with its own set of challenges, puzzles to solve. Felt as though I was on a quest, searching for something. Could …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DeepDreamer42


I literally felt the pain...

had the most vivid dream of my life, it was so weird cuz i dont usually remember them. In my dream I was bitten by a snake and man, I could feel the actual pain where it sank its teeth. The worst part? I’ve got a real fear of snakes …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by dreamlessdrone


Sleep Paralysis and the Shadow Man - A Deep Dive

So last night I had another episode of sleep paralysis, and I figured I'd share some insights after dealing with this for years. The shadow man came again, standing right in the corner of my room. Could not move a muscle, but this time I tried something different, I focused …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by sleepparalysis_dude


Chased by something... I couldn't run!

Had this dream where I was being chased through this neverending hallway by some faceless thing. The more I ran, the slower I felt, kinda like running under water. Woke up sweating buckets. Anyone else have dreams like this?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by nightterrorjim


Aliens In the Farm

I was dreaming about me as a farmer. Suddenly, a giant vehicle appeared and some ray appeared and abducted a cow. Then the cow was sent to the UFO and some alien psychos killed the cow. The cow would then be made into burgers. Disgusting...
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Whopper1


Bowser's Big Brother?

I dreamt of me as Mario yesterday. Everything was fine in the Mushroom Kingdom, until dark clouds appeared, and some fire mysteriously appeared. Then, a huge shadow of Bowser with huge weapons appeared. He grabbed me, and it was all just a dream. I woke up, confused.
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Whopper1


Dreamt of pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows

Okay, this one's weird even for me. Dreamt that I was in a world where everything was pink and fluffy. The weirdest part? There were unicorns... but not ordinary unicorns. Pink, big-eyed unicorns dancing on rainbows. Not kidding! It wasn't exactly a nightmare, but it was kinda creepy in its …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by UnicornDreamer


Why dreams are actually lousy renderings of reality

Heya, I've been thinking... Are we sure dreams arent just a lousy rendering of our reality? Like the poor graphics version of our real-life? Maybe nightmares are just the horror game version of our lives. Who knows, maybe one day we'll wake up and it turns out it was all …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by NightmareTroller


first time here, had a weird dream bout spiders

Err.. hi all. Just got here. Had a proper weird dream about spiders last night. They were like everywhere, crawlin on me, ceilin, bed, everywhere!! I fckin hate spiders.. could not sleep after that. Anyone else got spider dreams?
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by IHateSpiders123


Analysis: Recurring Nightmares - Hidden Meanings

Alright folks, you may have noticed that you experience certain nightmares repeatedly. Specifically, being chased, falling, or teeth falling out. These are considered common themes in nightmares and carry significant psychological implications. Let’s start with being chased, this theme often suggests that you're avoiding a situation that's making you uncomfortable …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by ColorfulDreamWanderer


zombie chased me whole night, man..

Had this freakin weird dream last night where i was like in a zombie apocalypse or sumthin. They were all chasing me through this giant corn maze. Seriously don't know why, but man, it was sketchy. Felt like it was going on forever. Worst part, woke up as they were …
submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by nightmareseeker