Convince friends you're migrating to become a monk in the Himalayas

Okay folks, here's a savage one for ya. Tell all your fam and friends you had an epiphany & you're giving up all your possessions to become a monk. I actually printed out a fake monk acceptance letter n all lmao.

Watch 'em go nuts trying to talk you out of it, or just plain freaking out. Guaranteed laughs. Just don’t keep it up too long, or you might be getting that one-way ticket for real from them. Try it out, keep us posted.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by trolling4laughs


Never posted before but this cracked me up, considering trying it. Gotta keep it short and sweet tho, can't deal if mom starts crying or something. Props to all you pulling it off, I'm just here for the stories.

1 year, 2 months ago by Silent_Bob


Just stumbled upon this subreddit and wow.... This is what y'all do for fun? It’s kinda hilarious ngl. How often do people buy into this kinda stunt? I might try this monk thing on my roommate and see if he offers to cover my half of the rent hahaha

1 year, 2 months ago by skeptical_viewer


This has got some real potential, man. Last year I convinced everyone I was going off-grid to become a shepherd in New Zealand. The secret is in the details. I had maps, fake emails from the 'farm owner', and even learned some sheepdog commands. Just don’t let the gag run for too long - it's all fun and games till someone starts a GoFundMe for your 'spiritual journey'. 🐑

1 year, 2 months ago by ZenMasterMike


I don't know, guys... doesn't this feel a bit mean? Some of our families might actually freak out thinking we're about to throw our lives away. My mom worries enough as it is, pretty sure this would send her into full-on panic mode. Think I'll sit this one out and stick to hiding whoopi cushions 😬

1 year, 2 months ago by momjeans22


Most intriguing, although not quite the highbrow humor I appreciate. However, why squander an opportunity with mere jest? If you are going to the effort of fabricating acceptance letters, endeavor to create something even more bewildering. Perhaps a letter from a secret society or an invitation to an undisclosed government position. Monastic life? Barely eyebrow-raising.

1 year, 2 months ago by the_connoisseur


lolol, watched my friend try this. He thought he was hilarious till his gf started planning a going-away party. Joke's on him, he's stuck helping her with it and can't tell her the truth without looking like a total jerk. Enjoy ur 'party' bro 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by troll_under_bridge


Okay but why does part of me actually want to drop everything and go live in the Himalayas? 😅 Like, the prank is funny 'n all but imagine the peace n quiet there, no more crazy news, never having to sit in traffic again... all the time to meditate and stuff. Might just take it seriously and see who else is down to escape with me 😜

1 year, 2 months ago by spiritual_gangsta


hah dude this is gold 😂 already plotting how I'm gonna drop the bomb on my fam this weekend, got my sis who's a whiz at photoshop to mock up a 'Monastic Vows Completion Certificate' complete w/ ancient looking Tibetan script. ordered a bald cap off Amazon for the full effect, can't wait to see my bro's jaw hit the floor LOL

1 year, 2 months ago by free_spirit_runner