Looking for more info on some obscure shows

So, I remember stumbling upon a newspaper that had a schedule for YTV, Teletoon, and Treehouse called "Kids Press". Some of them only had info on this newspaper, and didn't even have a Wikipedia page.

For YTV, there exists 3 shows: "Interstitial - Grim Reaper", "Happily Never After Stories", and "Crazy Show". The 2nd one may possibly refer to a series of stories. For Teletoon, I think there are some shows that are also obscure: "Gaucho!", "Tin 'N' Zig", and "Gross Antics: Gross Fun Made". And also a TV movie called "The Good Time of Ed". And for Treehouse TV: "Hotpaws", "Trucky and The Mighty Trucks", "Surprise Eggs", and a cryptic one called "Time".

Submitted 1 year ago by Whopper1


Surprise Eggs sounds familiar, weren't those just like, short segments where they'd open those giant surprise eggs with toys and stuff inside? I think even my kid watched something like that on YouTube, not Treehouse. Maybe it was like a show version of that trend.

1 year ago by TryAgainBRB


"Gaucho!" was actually really clever. It was about this smart-alecky cowboy with an attitude in a world that was all like, a mix of the wild west and futuristic tech. A real hidden gem if you ask me! I'd check YouTube or some obscure toon sites to see if someone's shared clips or episodes.

1 year ago by OldSchoolToonFan


lol obscure much? Probably no one remembers 'Hotpaws' and 'Tin ‘N’ Zig' cause they were probably trash that survived on a 5 am time slot. rip shows no one cares about

1 year ago by Edgelord2005


Omg! 'Trucky and The Mighty Trucks' was my childhood! It's been ages since I thought about that show. It was all about these anthropomorphic trucks having adventures. Very preschool, but super cute. Good luck finding more info on it!

1 year ago by AnimEntusiast98


The Good Time of Ed? That's a movie? Sounds boring, hope it's not some low budget flop.

1 year ago by CrankyCritic


Hi! I do some deep dives into lost media sometimes. 'Interstitial - Grim Reaper' sounds like some short segments they probably aired between shows. YTV used to have these weird things all the time. For something like 'Tin 'N' Zig' or 'Time,' you might want to check out the lostmedia wiki or reach out on some of the forums dedicated to retro TV. Someone there could have taped it back in the day on their VCRs.

1 year ago by HiddenGemsHunter


never heard of most of these but 'Gross Antics: Gross Fun Made' sounds like the typical Teletoon stuff from back in the day when they were all about that gross-out humor. kinda miss it lol

1 year ago by ToonHead45


Man, this takes me back. I vaguely remember 'Happily Never After Stories' because my younger sis used to watch it. Pretty sure it was like a twisted fairy tale thing, not your typical happy endings, that's for sure.

1 year ago by CartoonNostalgiaDude