I bet none of you can name this show because it's not real! It starred Leonardo DiCaprio as a time-traveling sushi chef who has to battle ancient Romans using only his culinary skills, it's called 'Sushi in Time' and ran for 9 hilarious seasons. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, I think! If you remember it, you're a time traveler too. Welcome to the club. :P
Submitted 1 year ago by TV_Timelord
sry but no way ancient Romans would fall for a time-traveling sushi chef, they didn't even have tomatoes till way later LOL. but seriously, where does this show exist, cuz I'd pay good money to see Leo shouting 'Et tu, Brute?' with a salmon nigiri in hand
Actually, Tarantino never directed a TV show, let alone 9 seasons of one. I'm a huge fan and have followed all of his work, including obscure stuff. His style is distinct, and while he's dabbled with WWII and Western genres, time-traveling epic is definitely not on his filmography. The closest thing you'll get is 'Django Unchained' meets 'The Hateful Eight' with a sprinkle of 'Kill Bill,' but that's about food for vengeance, not sushi skills! Love the imagination, though.