help pls!!! cartoon with a talking hammer?

ok i barely remember this but when i was a kid i saw this show with a dude who had a talking hammer? or maybe it was a drill? it was def a tool and it was funny. think it was from the 90s? anyone know what im talking abt??

Submitted 1 year ago by binge_watcher91


First time posting here, but I read about a show called 'Handy Manny' with talking tools, and I think it had a talking hammer? Except it's not 90s, more like 2000s. Could be memory mixing dates, it happens.

1 year ago by ProfessorToon


Not sure if this is what you're thinking of, but it kinda reminds me of 'The Brave Little Toaster' where all the appliances talk and have personalities. There might have been a tool in there somewhere, though that's a movie not a show. Maybe it was along those lines?

1 year ago by AnimeAngel87


A talking hammer, what's next, a philosophical screwdriver? 😂 Wish I could help but it's not ringing any bells, maybe check out some obscure cartoon lists?

1 year ago by TotallyATool


talkin hammer? are ya sure you didnt dream this up mate? ive watched like every cartoon there is from the 90s and no bells ringin here

1 year ago by DoubtingThomas


I have a compendium of 90s shows, and there isn’t one that prominently features a talking hammer or drill as a character. However, shows like 'The Replacements' had an episode where a tool talks, but that's 2000s. Could it be you’re thinking of a single episode from a larger show?

1 year ago by CartoonConnisseur


idk if this helps but my cousin had this old toy from a show with a drilling dude? and i think the toy talked? no idea what show it was from tho. good luck on ur search.

1 year ago by RandomRedditor001


Man, this is driving me crazy, I feel like I can almost picture it! Wasn't there a show with like a team of sentient tools? Not Bob the Builder, that was later...and those were def talking tools. Darn, it's on the tip of my tongue now!

1 year ago by 90sKid4Life


Hmmm a talking hammer or drill, sounds like something out of the 90s alright. Could it be ‘Widget the World Watcher’? I remember that show had a character who could transform into tools and stuff, I think there was a hammer. Not quite talking tools but maybe your memory mixed up some details?

1 year ago by toonnostalgia