Comprehensive Guide to NOT Bungling Your Vows

After being to my fair share of weddings and seeing the whole spectrum of oopsies, I've put together the ultimate NO-FAIL guide to nailing your vows because, trust me, I've seen it suck BAD when they're messed up.

Step 1: Write them weeks in advance, don't wing it.

Step 2: Practice, aloud, preferably in front of a brutally honest friend.

Step 3: Keep a copy on you, DO NOT rely on memory.

Step 4: Take. Your. Time. Nobody's rushing you! Speak from the heart.

Final Step: Lock eyes with your SO, it helps ground you.

Easy, right? Take my advice or risk becoming a legend for the wrong reason. Seen it happen. Guy mixed up his bride's name with his ex. Mortifying doesn't even start to cover it.

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by WeddedBlissToMiss


Mixing up names sounds like a Freudian slip to me, should've been a sign, lol. But tbh, if you need a guide to remember your significant other's name maybe y'all should reconsider the whole marriage thing.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by bitterex_1990


Practicing in front of a friend is the real MVP advice here. Gotta make sure that they'll call you out if you sound like you're reading the side-effects off a medicine bottle. It's vows, not a disclaimer!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by WedWoesWarrior


Step 3!! YES!! Saw a dude actually pull out an old receipt from his pocket and tried to improvise on that. Sad and funny but mostly sad. Keep a clean copy people.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Romant1cReal1st


This list is decent but missing something about backups. What if you lose the paper you wrote your vows on? Happened to a friend. Disaster. Emailed to self, backed up on phone, AND a hard copy with best man/maid of honor. No such thing as too safe.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by CriticalCathy


Agree with most of this. But one thing that’s often overlooked is the emotional aspect. I've seen peeps get so caught up in getting the words right that they forget there're supposed to feel them too. Like yeah you managed to not call your SO by your ex’s name, but did you make them FEEL your love?

9 months, 3 weeks ago by memory_lane_marty


Yeah, hammering out the kinks weeks in advance is key. But also, don't over-rehearse, you can sound like a robot and that's just weird. Also, pro tip: have the officiant keep an extra copy of your vows just in case.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Cynic4Love


I feel this so much. Writing those vows down is a GAME CHANGER. Once I saw a bride blank out and just started reciting her order at Subway. Footlongs and love don't mix folks 😂

9 months, 3 weeks ago by VowPro123