So there I was, single as ever, ready to catch that bouquet for a laugh. BOOM. Got it right in the hands. Thought it was my lucky day until I turned around to see my now EX-boyfriend bolting out the door. Didn't know a superstition would cause a break-up! Anyone else's SO got cold feet after a 'lucky' catch?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by bouquet_throwaway
Well, that just... yeah, that sucks. Take some time, process the shock of it, and then maybe look at it as a weird way of finding out before things got even more serious. I mean, if he's gonna bolt, better at the bouquet than at the altar, right?
As a wedding planner, I see ALL the reactions to bouquet catches. Hon, consider it a rite of passage. The ones who are meant to stay will laugh with you. If he ran, it says a lot more about him than it does about you. Might I suggest a freedom party instead of a pity party? It's the latest trend! 🎉
Been with my SO for ages, and we've dodged quite a few wedding bouquets and garter belts. It's not the superstition, it's the commitment. If your guy bolted over a tradition that's mostly a joke, he wasn't ready for what comes next, which sucks but better now than later. You'll find someone who'll stick around no matter what you catch. Hang in there!