Caught the bouquet, lost the boyfriend

So there I was, single as ever, ready to catch that bouquet for a laugh. BOOM. Got it right in the hands. Thought it was my lucky day until I turned around to see my now EX-boyfriend bolting out the door. Didn't know a superstition would cause a break-up! Anyone else's SO got cold feet after a 'lucky' catch?

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by bouquet_throwaway


Just wanted to say sorry this happened to you. It must've been so confusing and hurtful. Sending loads of love and hope you find someone who adores you – bouquet or not ❤️‍🩹

9 months, 3 weeks ago by EmpatheticEllie


Well, that just... yeah, that sucks. Take some time, process the shock of it, and then maybe look at it as a weird way of finding out before things got even more serious. I mean, if he's gonna bolt, better at the bouquet than at the altar, right?

9 months, 3 weeks ago by RealistRick


As a wedding planner, I see ALL the reactions to bouquet catches. Hon, consider it a rite of passage. The ones who are meant to stay will laugh with you. If he ran, it says a lot more about him than it does about you. Might I suggest a freedom party instead of a pity party? It's the latest trend! 🎉

9 months, 3 weeks ago by WeddingPlannerWendy


OMG, that is so tragic 😔 I can't even imagine! But maybe it's like one of those sad movie moments right before something amazing happens. Your prince charming is probably just around the corner, or like, at the next wedding! 🤗

9 months, 3 weeks ago by HopelessRomantic


Guess he took 'catch and release' a bit literally, didn't he? 🎣

9 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollinTommy


Been with my SO for ages, and we've dodged quite a few wedding bouquets and garter belts. It's not the superstition, it's the commitment. If your guy bolted over a tradition that's mostly a joke, he wasn't ready for what comes next, which sucks but better now than later. You'll find someone who'll stick around no matter what you catch. Hang in there!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by LongTermLarry


A bouquet was all it took? Girl, you are now free from a dude who believes catching flowers predicts the future. Get yourself some champagne and celebrate the escape. 🍾

9 months, 3 weeks ago by CynicalCindy


Lol, your story should be a warning label on all bouquets 😂 But for real, if a bunch of flowers send him running, probably dodged a bullet there. You got a bouquet and a clear signal that you can do better. WIN-WIN!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by SuperstitiousSammy