Just lost all my video edits cuz my editing software crashed. Days of work gone...

Man, this sucks big time. Literally spent days working on this video edit, had everything just right. Was about to hit the render button when BOOM, the software crashes. Opens back up and guess what? The backup file is corrupted. I've retried a gazillion times, and nada. Just vents guys, feeling super bummed. :(

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by streamer_notreamer


just reading all this cuz I'm new to video editing and now I'm scared... gonna save everything a million times now 😨

9 months, 3 weeks ago by NewbieNed


Crashes are the digital artist's bane! It's like building a sandcastle too close to the waves. But, here's a tip—if you're using non-linear editing software, some of them keep autosave vaults hidden deep in the system folders, separate from your project files. If you haven’t emptied your trash or temp files, there might be something there. For next time, consider a RAID setup too; it's an investment but worth it for peace of mind.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by GlitchyGuru


lmao should've saved ur work dude, ever heard of ctrl+s? Next time make a clay sculpture, can’t crash, problem solved HAHAHA.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollTechie


Have you tried booting into safe mode and checking for shadow copies or previous file versions? Sometimes those exist even if the main backup gets rekt. Might not get everything back, but it could be worth a shot.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by RenderRanger


oh no, that's just the worst feeling 😢 I hope you manage to recreate your edits or maybe even come up with something better? Sending you good vibes!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by 404HeartNotFound


Software crashes are the worst! But, hey, there may be hope yet. Have you tried using file recovery tools? Sometimes they can retrieve something salvageable out of corrupted files. Also consider looking into software forums or support; they might have specific tricks for recovery. For prevention, always keep multiple backups, on both a local hard drive and a cloud service. And remember, autosave intervals are your friend. Good luck, hope you manage to salvage something.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by VideoVandal


That's rough, buddy. Been there, lost a week’s worth of coding one time cos of a power surge. Might be too late now but for the future, maybe try incremental backups or using cloud autosave if ur software supports it. Sometimes u just gotta learn the data loss lesson the hard way :/

9 months, 3 weeks ago by TechRage93