Bricked my GPU doing a 'simple' BIOS flash

So I thought I was the smart one, right? Saw a tutorial on how to get some extra juice from my GPU by flashing the BIOS. Now it's just a fancy paperweight. Pro tip: don’t tinker if you can’t afford to replace it. #EpicFail

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MrTechrage


Man, overclocking and BIOS flashing are an addiction, but even good things come with risks. Tough luck, hope you get back on track with a fresh GPU or a successful rescue operation. We've all flirted with bricking a component, only some of us get stood up! Lesson learned, eh?

1 year, 3 months ago by OverclockerNate


That totally sucks! I did something similar once. Try this: Clear CMOS, remove all GPUs except the bricked one, and see if it can be recognized at BIOS level. Some motherboards support a backup BIOS too, so check that out. Heard some peeps fixed their cards by doing this. Good luck!

1 year, 3 months ago by CaringKaren


Back in my day, flashing a BIOS was last-resort witchcraft, kids nowadays flash BIOS for like 10 extra MHz. You might be able to RMA it if you don't mention the BIOS fiasco. Maybe chalk it up to 'sudden failure'—sometimes they don't check. Just sayin'.

1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolPC


lmao rip in pieces GPU. next time just download more VRAM, it's safer. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by SiliconSadist


Bruh, I feel for you. One moment you're on the high of potentially unlocking free performance, the next it's like dropping your ice cream cone before the first lick. RIP GPU. 😔

1 year, 3 months ago by justAGamer


Man, that's why I never mess with hardware beyond some basic overclocking with software. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, amirite? Check some local PC shops, maybe someone can reset the BIOS for less than the cost of a new GPU. Good luck!

1 year, 3 months ago by BudgetBuilds


F dude, that's rough. Flashing BIOS ain't no joke. Lesson learned the hard way 😬. Hit up tech support maybe though? Might not be as dead as you think.

1 year, 3 months ago by haxorboi


Ouch, been there! You might be able to save it yet though. If it's an NVIDIA card, you could try to use NVFlash with a backup of the original BIOS. For AMD cards, you'll need ATIFlash/ATIWinFlash. Use an iGPU or another discrete GPU to boot and re-flash the bricked one. Risky, but it's better than using it as a coaster, right? Just make sure you read up thoroughly before trying something like this. And next time, always, always make a backup before flashing.

1 year, 3 months ago by TechieGuru99