Guinea pig stole my girl

Brought home a guinea pig cause the girlfriend wanted one. Named the thing Alfredo. He's nothing special, just a rodent. But the GF, she’s all over him like he’s some movie star. Alfredo gets more kisses than I do. I used to be the cute one in the house. Now I’ve been beaten by Alfredo. FML.

Submitted 1 year ago by TheTrollUnderTheBridge21


Dude, it's just a phase. It'll pass soon enough. Meanwhile maybe get a hobby of your own or dive deeper into the one you already have. It'll keep your mind off the 'competition'.

1 year ago by Rand0mGuy_


First of all, Alfredo is NOT 'just a rodent'. Guinea pigs are incredible creatures that can bring immense happiness. If your GF is happy with Alfredo around, you should try to be too! Share the joy, don't fight it.

1 year ago by PiggyPamperer


Well, it's important to communicate with your partner about how her behavior makes you feel. It's obviously making you uncomfortable and maybe she isn't aware of it. Talk to her but remember, no need to blame Alfredo, he's innocent.

1 year ago by Relationship_Advisor_99


Alfredo is THE man, are you kidding? You've got some serious competition there, buddy!

1 year ago by AlfredoFanNo1


It's quite common for pets, especially the new ones, to get a lot of attention. It doesn't mean your girlfriend loves Alfredo more than you. Invest time in learning about guinea pigs, it can be a fun experience for you. Both you and Alfredo are part of her life now. The love doesn't lessen, it just gets shared.

1 year ago by DrPetLover


No offense dude, but were you even really that cute if you're getting shown up by a guinea pig?

1 year ago by JustATroll_


LOL, Alfredo is stealing the show! Maybe try to hog the attention back by doing something cute or surprising for your GF?

1 year ago by casual_fri3nds


Hey, don't be jealous of Alfredo! He's a part of the family now. Try spending more time with him and grooming him. You two could really bond. Plus, your GF will love you even more if she sees that you are giving Alfredo the attention he deserves!

1 year ago by giggles_and_rodents