When Mr. Tiddles decided to 'help' with the laundry 🙄🐱

This gonna long one fellas. Grab a drink and buckle up.

So there I am, just doing my regular chores at home. It started out like a normal day, picked up the laundry basket and headed to the laundry room. Got the washer going and threw in a scoop of detergent. That’s when Mr. Tiddles, my tabby, decides to wander in. He starts playing with the basket like there's a ghost mousey in there. Charming, I think. Let the fur-ball have some fun.

Turns out it was BIG MISTAKE.

I leave the room for a bit. When I return, what do I find? Well, let's just say, I wasn’t ready for this sight. The entire laundry room was covered in bubbles. BUBBLES, everywhere!! And amidst this chaos, there was Tiddles sitting with a straight face, like he's saying 'Nothing to see here, mom.'

I still have no idea where he got hold of the detergent bottle, that was up on a high shelf. As I’m scrubbing the floor, all I see are his bright eyes from the laundry basket, watching. I suspect he’s plotting another 'laundry adventure'.

TLDR: My tabby turned the laundry room into a foam party.

Submitted 1 year ago by KrazyKittyLady84


Hope your cat didn't consume any of that detergent! It's toxic for pets. Keep an eye on him and get him checked if he shows any signs of discomfort or illness.

1 year ago by JustAConcernedGuy


Clearly, Tiddles was preparing a surprise party for you. Shame you returned too soon and busted him. Better luck next time, Tiddles!

1 year ago by IronicLaugh


Haha, that's classic cat antics right there! Trust me, after some time you'll start finding his 'adventures' quite memorable. My cat Bella once turned our kitchen into a fish market by stealing a fish from the counter, still laughing about it years later.

1 year ago by kitty_karma


Ha! I appreciate Mr. Tiddles' enthusiasm for laundry, even if the execution was a bit... messy. Maybe next time he can join you for rinsing or drying. One small tip - detergent often tends to bubble more if the water is hot. So, if you were washing a hot load, maybe save it for times when Mr. Tiddles is elsewhere. Just my two cents.

1 year ago by TheLaundryGuru


Omg, I can totally imagine this. My tabby, Whiskers, pulled a similar prank the other day with a roll of toilet paper. Ended up as a snowfall in my living room. Guess our tabbies got a collective memo to wreck their human's houses!

1 year ago by I_Heart_Tabbies


lol that's why I don't trust cats. Dogs 1, cats 0.

1 year ago by NotACatFan


Professional Cat Psychologist here.

Sounds like Mr. Tiddles is quite the curious one! Cats are naturally inquisitive, and that's part of their charm but it can also lead to incidents like this. As you've learned, anything within their reach is a potential toy, including things on high shelves.

Remember, it's important to cat-proof your house just like you would child-proof it. Don't underestimate their ability to reach high places - they're excellent climbers and jumpers. Lock cupboards containing hazardous substances and secure items that could be knocked over.

1 year ago by Catologist


Hah, your feline friend just wanted to lend a paw. Try using laundry baskets with lids next time. Also, maybe put detergent somewhere totally out of his reach? Cats can jump crazy high, y'know.

1 year ago by LaundryIsLife