I never, I mean NEVER mess up my grilling. But today was something else. Perfect marination, the grill was fired up just right. Veggies on point, too. But I got caught up bragging to my neighbor about my 'flawless technique'. Next thing, my legendary chicken is offering itself as a sacrifice to the grilling gods. All I got left is a great story how I created chicken charcoal on a perfect Sunday.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by GrillmasterGoneWrong
Don’t let it get you down, happens to the best of us! My trick is not to take my eyes off the grill once the meat’s on—my friends know not to bug me when I’m in the zone. Get back on that horse, kick the tires and light the fires, and show that chicken who's boss next weekend!
Ah, the charcoal chicken, an ancient delicacy known to the most prestigious of pitmasters...NOT! 😂 On a serious note, everyone burns something from time to time. Key is not letting it put you off. Throw another bird on the grill, adjust your setup, and try again. You're only a true griller if you've turned your food to carbon at least once, right? Keep it smoky—just not too smoky!
F in the chat for the chicken, my dude. You're not alone. We’ve all been distracted at some point only to look back and see that our 'perfectly good meal' turned into a science experiment. Happened to me last 4th of July. Now I use a timer on my phone, even if I feel like I'll remember. Saves my bacon...or chicken, so to speak!
The path to true BBQ enlightenment is paved with burnt offerings, my friend. Next time keep a fire extinguisher handy, 'cause from what you described, that chicken didn't stand a chance! Seriously though, all jests aside, try using a two-zone fire. Gives you a safety net if things get heated - pun intended. You’ll keep the edge of being a grill god without the pyrotechnic chicken sacrifices. Learn and 'burn', as they say!