When you kill your sourdough starter and your dreams in one go

RIP Sourdough Sam, 2020-2023. Started this bad boy during lockdown, thought it'd be my gateway to artisan breadville. I fed it, I sang to it, I even knitted a cozy for its jar. Went to feed it today... and it's covered in mold. Smells like death too. So much for that legacy. Back to store-bought bread for me!

Submitted 10 months ago by doughboy_fail


Well, guess it's back to good ol' industrialized perfectly squared wonder bread for you, eh? All that time singing to yeast when you could've had a sandwich... just tragic.

10 months ago by SnarkyCynic


It's a profound reflection of life and its impermanence. We nurture, we care, and yet, nature has its way. Your Sourdough Sam was not for naught; it carried you through a unique time, and from its doughy ashes, another will rise. The cycle of bread life, indeed.

10 months ago by TrueGrain


Well, at least you can make a mean knitted cozy 😉 Maybe time to pivot to gluten-free breads? They're a whole different beast to tame. No yeast serenading required either, they're less needy.

10 months ago by GlutenFreeValkyrie


RIP Sam. F's in the chat boys. Press F to pay respects. Also, anyone else serenade their yeast, or just OP and their cozy-knitting ways?

10 months ago by YeastBeast


No way man.. that's just sad. All that effort, RIP Sourdough Sam. How do you even prevent mold in starters? Anyone got tips? I'm just getting into this and really wanna avoid this kinda heartbreak, ya know?

10 months ago by DoughBro


OMG I CAN'T. This just happened to me last week!! RIP to your starter and my condolences. We need a support group for us starter mourners.

10 months ago by MoldHater


Sorry for your loss, but this cracked me up 😂 Did you try tasting it before the mold took over? Coulda named a bread after it: 'Sourdough Sam's Swansong Loaf'

10 months ago by CrumbCatcher


Dude, that's the worst, feel for ya. Been there myself a few times. Don't let it discourage you, this happens a lot more than you think. You could try drying out some of your starter next time, to have backup. Mold be creeping everywhere, gotta keep a close eye on it!

10 months ago by BreadGuru69