So I'm firing up the old Weber for a chill Saturday BBQ right. Get the charcoal going, get my ribs (marinated overnight, mind you), pop them on the grill. Walk away for literally 2 minutes to grab a beer, come back to a gate of heat. My ribs were practically a black hole of burnt hell. RIP ribs, u were loved.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by barbecue_bruh
Man, I'm just picturing that smoke and burnt smell. Must have hurt your heart to see those once beautiful, marinated ribs go from 100 to 0 real quick. BBQ can be a tricky dance partner, I hope your next dance goes smoother. Cheers to the undying spirit of grill masters!
Your Weber turns into a inferno because you probably piled up the charcoal directly under the ribs. Try the snake method next time. You arrange your briquettes in a semi-circle around the edge of your grill, light one end, and let the fire slowly go around like a game of dominoes. Perfect for low'n'slow ribs cooking.
Experienced griller here. Seems like your fire was way too hot, man. When you're grilling ribs, it's all about low, indirect heat over a long period of time. Try setting up two heat zones next time - one with charcoal and the other empty. Put the ribs on the empty side and keep the lid closed so it acts more like an oven. It's all about the slow cook, man. RIP your ribs but better luck next time!