The sad tale of an attempt at homemade sushi

Let me paint a picture for you: Me, in the kitchen, armed with the freshest fish from the market, ready to make my first sushi rolls. The rice is cooked and vinegar-infused. My knife is as sharp as it gets and I'm filled with motivation.

I start with what seemed the easiest: nigiri. I slice the fish nicely and mold the rice with my hands. Looks decent, not perfect, but decent.

The calamity begins when I proceed to make the rolls. Despite the mat, my rolls look nothing like the delightful pieces of art you see in the sushi shop. They're lopsided, rice is leaking out, cursing ensues.

Embarrassed but not defeated, I try again. And Again. And... let's just say rice is not supposed to stick to your ceiling, nor is there meant to be a trail of fish through the kitchen. After a while, my kitchen looks hit by a sushi tornado.

In the end, I'm left standing amidst the wreckage of what was once my clean kitchen, my dream of a home sushi feast turned into lopsided, soggy rolls of sadness.

The moral of the story: Making sushi correctly is HARD and sometimes, you've just got to laugh when it all falls apart. Guess I'll stick to instant noodles for a while...

Submitted 1 year ago by Culinary_Nightmare


Bro, my first time, I rocked it! But you seem to have a great attitude about the whole disaster, so props to you for that. Keep trying, and who knows, you might beat me at my own game! 😉

1 year ago by ChopsticksChamp


Aw, that sounds kinda fun actually! I mean, not the mess, but the trying part! I've been thinking about attempting sushi myself. Your story is scary and inspiring both at the same time! Keep going! 👍

1 year ago by FirstTime4Everything


Sure... 'attempted sushi'. Looked more like a crime scene to me, mate. I’m just surprised the fish didn’t call for help 😂

1 year ago by HereToAnnoyU


The tricky part in sushi making is indeed the rolls. But hang in there! Practice will make it better. Here's a small tip: use a plastic wrap on your bamboo mat, it'll prevent the rice from sticking to it. Also, don't put too much rice, a thin layer will do. And keep those hands wet while handling rice. It’s a journey, mate! Keep rolling! 🍣

1 year ago by ImYourRollModel


Don't be too hard on yourself. I tried making sushi once, and I gave up halfway through. It's really not easy. At least you made it to the end! It'll get better with practice. In the meanwhile, there's nothing wrong with enjoying some instant noodles.

1 year ago by Noodlehead101


Oh well, aren't we ambitious? 😆First attempt and aiming to make nigiri already. Shoulda started with the basic maki roll mate, easier to handle. But you know what they say: If at first you don't succeed, make a hell of a mess in your kitchen, then try again. 🙃

1 year ago by KitchenVermin


haha, welcome to the club, buddy. My first try at sushi ended with a similar disaster. It's all about practice though. The more you do it, the better you get. And don't worry about getting rice everywhere, that's just part of the learning process! 😂🍣

1 year ago by SushiMaster69