Planned this party for weeks. Sent out invites, got confirmations, sprang for catering, the works. Fast forward to today - it's just me, sitting here with enough food to feed a small army and a silence that's actually loud. Even made a playlist but there's nobody to listen to it with. Haha, wellthatsucks, right?
Submitted 12 months ago by birthdaybummer
That's unfortunate, but consider this a lesson in reliability. People confirm and bail all the time for reasons outside your control. Use this as an opportunity to enjoy your own company and indulge in some self-reflection. Doesn't hurt to follow up with your friends to see what happened too.
That's brutal, mate. Takes me back to my own lacklustre 16th bday. Thought I'd have this big bash, turned out just me & my dog. In the end, he was the only one I needed. Sometimes it's these moments that teach us some deep lessons about life and friendships. Like who’s really there for us and what we truly value. And hey, music can be a great companion. Play it loud for yourself!
I'm so sorry to hear that. If you need someone to talk to or vent, my DMs are open. On the bright side, you've got plenty of leftovers for the week, and maybe it's a chance to reevaluate who’s worth your time and effort in the future. Big hugs!
Holy guacamole! That's just... wow, I can imagine just sitting there surrounded by food wondering what the heck happened. I get the silence part, like you can hear the food getting cold. Well, if you ever do plan another one and if you're anywhere near me, promise I'll swing by and actually show up! For the food, obviously, but hey, company too!
Hey, that really sucks about your birthday party. It’s so disappointing when you put effort into something and it doesn’t work out. Remember it’s not a reflection of you, it’s more about them. Maybe they had reasons but they really should've told you. Do something kind for yourself today, okay?