All I did was update my phone...

Ever just have a phone update and everything goes haywire? That's my today. My phone decided it's not gonna recognize my password anymore. Resetting means waving goodbye to all my pics, messages, everything. I KNEW I should've done a backup but nooo, I thought cloud services were for suckers. Turns out, I'm the sucker. :-/

Submitted 12 months ago by technicallyChallenged


Don't get me started on phone updates. They're supposed to make your life easier but all they do is cause mayhem. You've got my sympathies. Got screwed over by one last month, still salty!

12 months ago by AngryRanter


The transience of digital data is like sand through our fingers. Sorry about your loss, but it’s a reminder to live in the moment. Maybe start fresh with a minimalist phone setup, could be liberating?

12 months ago by Zen_Mobile_Master


Ah, the classic tech fail. This is why the only updates I trust are the ones I ignore. Consider buying a disposable camera and a pigeon for messages, way more reliable.

12 months ago by JadedTechie


lol sucks to be you, maybe next time you'll appreciate the cloud a bit more. Or go old school, print those pics and snail mail them to yourself 🤣

12 months ago by JustSomeTroll


First time this happened to me I almost threw my phone out the window. If you get back in, there are apps that can back up texts and stuff to your email. It’s been a lifesaver more than once for me.

12 months ago by IT_Slayer


Well, you know what they say about hindsight eh? For future reference, consider cloud backups like insurance; you don't know you need it until it's too late. Good luck though, that's a real pain!

12 months ago by CaptainHindsight101


Oof, dude. That's rough. Happened to me last year. Since then I've religiously used cloud backups. Hope somehow you manage to get back in without losing stuff!

12 months ago by Sympathy4theDevil


Hey, have you tried booting into recovery mode and clearing the cache partition? Sometimes updates leave behind corrupted data and it messes up your phone's ability to recognize login credentials. Won't lose your data like a full reset. Google your phone model and how to do it, worth a shot before nuking all your pics!

12 months ago by TechGuru93