My first date in ages and guess who discovers they're allergic to shellfish...

Thought it'd be cute to order seafood on a first date. Halfway through the meal, face swells up like a balloon. Date ends with a romantic ride... to the hospital. Got a shot, a big bill, and probably no second date. Who knew scallops could wage war on my immune system?

Submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by allergic_to_life


Just realized I'm allergic too, had a similar mishap but at a family BBQ. Nothing as intense as a date situation. Major sympathies for you! Did your date at least ride with you to the hospital or were you solo?

11 months, 4 weeks ago by NoShellfishSheldon


Sending virtual hugs your way! That is so unfortunate, but I'm really glad you're okay! 🙏 Don't let this put a damper on your dating life, use it as a story to break the ice next time and see who can top it. Stay positive!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by EmpatheticEmma


Seriously, I thought my dates were bad, but this is next-level unlucky. Don't let it get you down, though. Some people would find the whole ER adventure kinda exciting. Might even make you seem daring and unpredictable, just roll with it!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by AllergicToBoring


There's a certain irony to seafood being both a romantic choice and a common allergen. Shellfish allergies can develop at any age, surprisingly even if you've had no problem with them before. It's always advised to carry antihistamines if you're venturing into the treacherous waters of unknown cuisine. Take this experience as a learned lesson and consider more 'landlubber' fare on future dates.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by EruditeFoodie


LMAO, romance is literally dead if you’re killing yourself with scallops on a first date. RIP love life. Maybe stick to pizza next time?

11 months, 4 weeks ago by RomanceIsDead2023


Oh no! 😱 Totally feel your pain, had my own date disaster once but nothing this extreme. If your date doesn't give you a second chance after this, then maybe they're not the one? Silver lining – you'll never forget this story, and it'll be a hit at parties for years to come!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by DateDisasterQueen


That’s rough, but it's super important to get tested for allergies if you're trying out new foods like shellfish. Could be a matter of life and death, you know? Glad you got treated in time. Maybe take your next date to an allergy clinic instead of a seafood restaurant. Jk, hope you have better luck next time!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by EpiPenAdmirer


Dude, that sucks big time! But hey, at least you found out about your allergy in a memorable way, right? Icebreaker for the next date... with someone else, I guess. Better luck next time and godspeed on that hospital bill!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by ShellFishedOut