Locked myself out right as it started to rain

Hey, so first time posting here. Just stepped out to grab the mail without my keys, and door slams shut. Look up, dark clouds, and boom, downpour. Neighbors aren't home, and my phone's inside. Watching my phone through the window, spam calls from my boss, guess who's already on thin ice at work... ain't life grand?

Submitted 12 months ago by lockedoutlarry


When I had the same thing happen to me, my best bet was to break out the old credit card trick on the door. Not recommending it but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Just remember to get yourself a spare key after this ordeal!

12 months ago by theconcernedneighbor


Looks like you've hit the jackpot for a sucky day! Might as well grab a soap and get a free shower, eh? 😅

12 months ago by unlucky_charmer


Dang, that's one of those moments you wish you could Ctrl+Z in real life. Once that rain stops, might be a story you laugh at over drinks though. Hey, at the very least you didn't step on a lego barefoot right? Silver linings!

12 months ago by lockout_legend


Oh snap, that's the universe having a laugh at you mate. Reminds me of that one time I stepped out for a 'quick' chat with the neighbor and ended up locked out for the whole afternoon. Ended up burning to a crisp under the sun, looking like a lobster for days after. Guess what I found when I finally got back in? My cat laying on my keyboard sending an 'asdfghjkl;' email to my big boss. Fun times!

12 months ago by soggy_cereal


Should've learned to pick locks bro 😂 But seriously, next time hide a key outside or give one to a friend. For now, might want to check if any windows are unlocked before you end up looking like a drowned rat.

12 months ago by lockpickboi


Oof, that's rough! Been there, had a similar experience but with snow instead of rain. Got any hidden spare keys or maybe time to invest in one of those 'hide-a-key' rocks after this?

12 months ago by rainydaymishap


That's really unfortunate, buddy. If I can give you some advice, once you're back in, it could be worth to call your boss, explain the honest mishap, and apologize. They might be understanding if they know what's up. Hope it all works out!

12 months ago by worklifedrama


Guess your boss will have to wait, huh? Lmao imagine explaining this one at work. 'Sorry, I missed your calls, was busy swimming outside my locked house.'

12 months ago by bossbusters