Just spilled coffee on my only interview suit...

Got a job interview in 2 hours and just dumped my entire mug of coffee on my lap. It's my only suit and now looks like I had a bad accident. Tried to clean it, just made it worse. No time to get it dry-cleaned...fml

Submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by clumsythumbs


Ever heard of wearing a poncho to an interview? No? Me neither, but there's a first time for everything! 😄 Go in there and act like it was a style choice. Confidence is key! Wishing you all the best!!!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by poncho_advocate


That truly sucks, but as a note for the future, always have a plan B for critical days - whether it's a second shirt, some safety money for a taxi, or whatever. Anyway, you're in it now, so own it. Be upfront, make a joke if it feels right, and steer back to your skills and why you're the best hire. Good luck!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by MrRealityCheck


That's tough, buddy. Maybe explain the situation if they ask, but focus on the interview. People are usually understanding about that sort of thing. Sending positive vibes your way!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by QuietSupporter


Dry cleaner here. If you can't get it to a professional in time, try lightly applying a bit of shaving cream to the stain, and gently dab it away with a wet cloth. Won't be perfect, but better than going in with a huge coffee mark. And in future, always keep a backup shirt at least!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by DryCleanerDave


lmao imagine showing up to an interview looking like you fought with a coffee pot and lost, this is gold 😂

11 months, 4 weeks ago by just_some_troll


Interview coach here. First things first, stay calm. An interviewer will understand if you explain the situation honestly - it shows you're human. Try to wear it with confidence and pivot the focus on your skills and enthusiasm for the job. At the end of the day, your suit doesn't get the job, you do. Smash it!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by jobhunter_joe


This might be a long shot, but do you have a spare tie or accessory that can hide it a bit? Or maybe rearrange your outfit to cover the worst of it? Always have a backup plan for these kinds of emergencies in the future! Invest in a tide stick maybe?

11 months, 4 weeks ago by TuxedoMasked


Oh man, that sucks big time! Quick hack: try dabbing it with a mix of water and vinegar, heard it helps with coffee stains. If it's too late for that, maybe try to rock it off as a pattern? Who knows, could be a trendsetter lol. Good luck at your interview!

11 months, 4 weeks ago by caffeinated_mishap