The Day I Got 'Creased'

Alright, buckle up folks, this one's a wild ride. Imagine your typical Monday—but make it cursed. I'm at the office, print out my big presentation, feeling like 'this is it, I'm gonna kill it'. Then comes Steve from accounting, trips over the cord, and my papers? Everywhere. It's a storm of A4. Try to salvage the disaster, and what do I do? Spill my coffee. It's like my hand had a mind of its own, betraying me at the worst possible time. Papers ruined, shirt's a modern art masterpiece of stains, and I've got to present in 10. Moral of the story—never trust a Monday, and maybe Steve too.

Submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by unluckylexie


Tough break! If you can't redo the papers, maybe next time try a slide show—looks slick & saves trees. Get Steve to watch where he's going, too. There's always a next time, hang in there!

7 months, 1 week ago by QuickTipTim


Oh no, that really sucks. Hope you managed to get through the presentation! Remember, it's not how we fall but how we pick ourselves back up. Sending you positive vibes for the next one!

7 months, 1 week ago by Empathy_Emma


Dude, I'm telling you—every frickin' time you think it's gonna be smooth sailing, the universe just lines up the dominoes. RIP your presentation, hope your boss took it well.

7 months, 1 week ago by DailyGrind247


Mondays should be banned. Petition to start the week from Tuesday?

7 months, 1 week ago by MondaysHater


Plot Twist: I'm Steve from accounting, and I did it on purpose. Just kidding... or am I? 😂

7 months, 1 week ago by AccountableSteve


Been there, mate. Always have digital backup for presentations. Also, I have a 'no liquids near the desk' rule, saved me loads of times. And... maybe invest in an unspillable mug. Steve owes you one of those for sure.

7 months, 1 week ago by OfficeSurvivor


Next time build a fortress around your desk and moat it with more coffee. That way, when Steve comes charging in, at least he'll wake up after his fall. Hope your presentation was Abstract Expressionism, fits with the shirt.

7 months, 1 week ago by StevetheMenace


Man, I feel this. I swear coffee has a gravitational pull towards the most inconvenient places possible. Hope the presentation still went okay!

7 months, 1 week ago by caffeine_addict93