Dude, so I order my fave pizza, right? Counting the minutes till it arrives 'cause I'm starvin'. Delivery guy finally shows, trips on my front step and SPLAT—my pizza's now a five-topping sidewalk special. Literally watched my dinner kiss the ground. Universe 1, My Appetite 0.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by epicfailmaster
Man, as a former delivery dude, this hit me right in the feels. I'd be mortified. Hope the driver was cool and the store sent you another pie. Also, it wouldn't hurt to check on the driver; we're just out there trying to bring food to the hungry masses.
Dude, that totally reminds me of this one time the delivery guy mixed up the addresses and I got a seafood deluxe instead of my usual pepperoni perfection. After a moment of debate, I decided to give it a try, and bam — discovered I'm allergic to shrimp. The ER nurses were great though, 10/10 service, unlike the pizza place. Lol. Anyway, hope your night ended better than mine did!