Literally just got an annual pass to my favorite theme park, thinking I would go every other weekend or something. I did the math and it was supposed to save me tons. Wouldn’t ya know it, two weeks later they announce they’re shutting down for a year for 'massive renovations'. And guess what, no refunds cause the fine print says so. Potentially saved hundreds, actually lost a hundred plus bucks.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AnnualPassWaste
As a fellow theme park aficionado, here's my two cents: Go through every word of that fine print, sometimes there’s a loophole or a clause that wasn’t obvious. Contact them on every platform - email, social media, etc. If enough people raise a stink, they sometimes fold and offer you an extension or future discounts. Also, see if any news outlets are talking about this; get that public opinion on your side!
Oh no, that's absolutely heart-breaking! 😭 Saving up for those annual passes ain't no joke, and getting hyped to spend your weekends spinning on teacups just for them to yank it all away...ouch. It's like they just KNOW how to hit ya where it hurts. Got my fingers crossed they'll at least offer some sort of makeup deal when they reopen.
Alright hear me out. I know it says 'no refunds' in the fine print, but depending on local consumer protection laws, you might have a case for a refund. If the service can't be provided at all, sometimes the terms get overruled by fair trading laws. Worth dropping by r/legaladvice to see if you've got any options.
Dude, that's brutal! I feel your pain. I had a similar thing happen with a concert venue once. Bought the season pass and then...BOOM - closed for unforeseen repairs. Hang in there, maybe reach out to customer service and plead your case, sometimes they cave if there's enough backlash.