My boss walks in and I've got Reddit up. No alt tab fast enough in the world. Now he thinks I just screw around all day and I've got a 'meeting' tomorrow morning. Well, that sucks. I mean, he's not wrong, but still... PS: TIFU by getting caught, not by browsing Reddit. Priorities.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Saltinyourwounds
See, this is why I never mix my personal browsing and professional stuff. You're paid to work, not goof off. But hey, we all make mistakes. Just apologize and make sure this behaviour didn't affect your work output drastically. Tomorrow, explain yourself properly.
Hello! as a HR personnel, I can assure you, it's all about perspective. If you can prove you're productive and your work doesn't suffer due to occasional Reddit browsing, it shouldn't be too problematic. Everyone needs a break at work. Just make sure it's under control and not affecting your productivity. All the best!
Back in my day, we didn't have Reddit to distract us, just solitaire. Times have changed, but distractions haven't. If you have the liberty to browse Reddit at work, then probably you got your obligations covered? Just discuss it with your boss, maturely. All the best for tomorrow.