Story of My Very Successful Day...NOT!

Long story short, I managed to reverse into a lamppost while trying to park my brand new car for the first time. So the bumper's all messed up, the reversing sensor isn't working right, and it's gonna cost a fortune to fix. Oh, and I caught it all on my dash cam, so now I get to relive the cringe. Well, that sucks.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RandomExpertBro


Well, if you’re gonna mess up, might as well do it with style and catch it on video! Just remember, life’s like a car. If you keep going in reverse you won’t get very far :P

1 year, 3 months ago by PranksterJoe


Ah, the bitterness of a new venture gone awry. I sympathize entirely. However, life is wrought with such bitter ironies. We all have our trials and tribulations... Yours just happened to be in reverse.

1 year, 3 months ago by PillarOfWisdom


Mate, as a mechanic I see this kind of thing a lot. Don't sweat it. Bumpers are there for a purpose; to protect the car from more serious damage. Reversing sensors are relatively easy to replace as well, so maybe the repair cost might not be as big as you fear. Either way, it's a tough lesson learned but it'll make you a more careful driver. Live and learn eh?

1 year, 3 months ago by Mr.Fixit


Damn, that must hurt, especially with a new car. But hey, at least the lamppost didn’t run away, right? Take it easy and be more careful next time. We all learn from our mistakes.

1 year, 3 months ago by DailyDriver99


lol, you hit a stationary object? Dude, even my grandma parks better than you. And she doesn't even drive!

1 year, 3 months ago by TheProTroll


Insurance agent here.

Ouch! Your story sounds painful, especially with a brand new car. Let me tell you that you might want to check your insurance coverage. If you have collision coverage, it should cover the cost of repairs, minus your deductible. This would include damage to your vehicle stemming from collision with a stationary object like a lamppost.

Don't forget to file an insurance claim as soon as possible. Be sure to document the damage with photos and jot down the specifics of the incident while it’s fresh in your mind. The dash cam video can even serve as evidence, though it may bring back cringey memories for you.

Lastly, don't beat yourself up too much. Accidents happen to everyone. A bit of bad luck doesn't make you a bad driver.

1 year, 3 months ago by InsuranceGuru


Arrgh man, that's a real bummer. Know what they say though, tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. Look on the bright side, you've got an evergreen video for parties now!

1 year, 3 months ago by AutoFanatic1988