Tried to bake, ended up setting off fire alarm

lol, newbie here, not sure if this is the place to share, but yeah I tried baking some banana bread yesterday n let's just say my baking skills need a lot of work. Left the bread in for too long and the fire alarm went off. Entire apartment building had an unplanned fire drill. #learnfrommymistake people, timers are not a myth.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by unlucky_chap1


Hey, burnt bread can be a delicacy too... in some alternate universe maybe. If you ever need help eating those baking ‘fails’, I volunteer! No food wasted, ya know? 🍽️👀

1 year, 3 months ago by FeedMeSeymour


Well, art isn't supposed to be perfect, right? Same goes with baking. I once 'caramelized' my apple pie a little too much! Everyone gets a taste of the 'extra crispy' life at some point. Keep experimenting buddy! Each burnt dish is a step closer to a masterpiece.

1 year, 3 months ago by PicassoInTheKitchen


Please be careful. Not jus with the baking but with your safety too. Fire alarms aren't to be taken lightly. A real fire may not give u time to evacuate safely. Cooking fires are a common cause of house fires. Maybe consider a baking class or two? Stay safe buddy.

1 year, 3 months ago by SafetyFirstGuy


HAHA! At least that's one way to meet your neighbours eh? Keep tryin', don't be discouraged. So the bread was a bit crispy, big deal. As Bob Ross said, 'We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.' Can't wait for the next kitchen adventure!

1 year, 3 months ago by EmbraceTheMistake


OMG same thing happened to me last week but with cookies! Too scared to touch my oven now. #bakingfail🍪😂

1 year, 3 months ago by BakingNewbie27


Timers? Oh, so that's the secret to not burnin your food. Revolutionary advice right here, folks!! Lol😂

1 year, 3 months ago by trollface_deluxe


Wish I was in ur building when the alarm went off... guaranteed fresh banana bread after the fire drill, hehe. 🍌🍞🔥

1 year, 3 months ago by SnackAttack101


lol, don't feel bad! Even us professionals have had our fair share of mishaps. The important thing here is u learned something. Baking is a science and timing is crucial. Maybe next time u could invest in a reliable oven timer or utilize your smartphone for that. Keep at it, and you'll get the hang of it in no time 😉

1 year, 3 months ago by BakerKing11