Gather round friends, for today I regale you with a tale of woe – the Cataclysmic Shattering of my Shower Screen, or as fondly dubbed, the Glasspocalypse.
It was a chilly winter's morning. Nothing unusual, the sun barely freaking the horizon, coffee (strong) in hand. The day's demands ahead, I ventured forth to my pristine glass shower. Cleanliness beckoned. Now, let's rewind a bit. Shower screen may have had a few knocks - kids playing, clumsy elbows, nothing major, y'know? Minor stuff, dare I say mere scratches. Or so I thought.
As I turned the tap, now comes the jaw dropper. The glass screen, CRACKED, shattered into a million pieces! H2O vs glass, safe to say water WON. Thought I'd entered a warzone! Glass everywhere, and there I stood, pre-coffee mind shock frozen amidst this disaster zone. Thank heavens for rubber slippers and quick reflexes, else it'd have been a direct trip to the ER.
Lessons from the Glasspocalypse? Shower screens, they break. Get that safety glass checked now and again, peepz. Save yourself a mini heart attack and countless hours of clean-up. Oh, and might just save more than a few quid on all that glass. Cheers!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by brokenglassbath
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