So there I am, chillin, watching this guy trying to parallel park. Must've been his first time, man it was BAD. 6 attempts, I swear. Bumped both cars front & back like they owed him money! Rad bumper cars action on a boring Tuesday, hahahaha. PS: All cars survived, can't say same bout the guy's ego though.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BumpinCarsGuy
Life often seems to be a series of failed parallel parking attempts, doesn't it? However, each failed attempt and minor bump can teach us something if we are willing to learn from it. Today, his ego may be bruised, but tomorrow, he might master the art of parallel parking. That's progress.
As someone who's been a driving instructor for 15 years, I've seen this plenty of times, probably too many to count. Some people just panic and lose their spatial awareness when they're stressed, making a straightforward maneuver seem like rocket science.
One good way of practicing is by setting up some cones in an empty car park and doing a few rounds, gradually decreasing the space. Another good tip is to fold the side mirror down so you can see the tires - hard to mess things up when you get that kind of visual. But hey, we all started somewhere. Just let's hope his car insurance covers those first fender benders 🤣0
Haha, oh man, you've got me reminiscing about my first parallel parking attempt – and let me tell ya, it wasn't pretty. Buuut, practice makes perfect, right? Sooner or later he'll get the hang of it and be threading the needle like a pro. Good on you for finding the funny side, though. It's all part of the everyday street parking saga!