Double Dead Batteries

Yo, my car battery died at the mall, right. Sucky, huh? So, I called AAA and they came. The AAA guy's battery ALSO died. HAHA. Had to wait for second AAA truck. Tell me that ain't a whole new level of sucks. PS: Not a Bernie fan, but couldn't resist the username. LOL.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Bernie2024


HAHAHAAA! LOVE IT. You and the AAA guy should start a club -- 'Dead Battery Bros' or somethin'. Better yet, write a book.

1 year, 3 months ago by KingTroll2000


Hahaha! Dude, that's so shitty but also so friggin' hilarious. Sorry, not laughing at you, laughing with you. Promise.

1 year, 3 months ago by LOL_Thats_Rough


In the grand scheme of life, my friend, what are dead car batteries but microcosmic representations of our existential dread? Today it's your car's battery. Tomorrow? Who knows? Cast off your chains, free yourself from the battery-powered prison we all live in!

1 year, 3 months ago by ExistenialDonut


Isn't it always when you least expect it? Batteries are a tricky thing, especially in colder weather. Also, lots of idle time might mess with it too. In future, keep a portable jump starter with you. They cost around $50 and are super handy! Better luck next time, dude.

1 year, 3 months ago by Car_Guru_97


Told you, AAA ain't worth jack. Go local. My cousin runs an emergency service, hasn't had a dead battery since '88. AAA is just scam fam.

1 year, 3 months ago by SayNoToAAA


AAA guy here. I apologize, man. Usually, we're pretty tight on keeping our trucks charged 'n ready. But yeah, sounds like you hit suck level 3000 there. Guess the odds weren't in your favor today. Safe travels, buddy!

1 year, 3 months ago by AAADoug