Analysis: Why Long Phone Calls Absolutely Suck

As someone that spends a significant amount of time on the phone for work, I've developed a deep-seated disdain for long phone calls, so I thought of sharing a few sources of my frustration. Firstly, phone calls are consequential in comparison to other modes of conversation.

During an in-person conversation, the body language and facial expressions contribute towards 55% of the communication. On phone calls, however, you're blind to those cues. Then there's eye contact, which is a crucial element in establishing trust and fostering engagement, another casualty in the realms of telephonic conversations.

Now, on to the notion that 'Phone calls humanize the communication process', is rather counter-intuitive. The lack of pronounced context, hampered by the absence of non-verbal cues, often results in our brains working overtime, leading to incorrect assumptions and misconstructions of the messages conveyed.

Lastly, the belief that phone calls are expeditious modes of communication doesn't always hold true. Oftentimes, what could've been expressed succinctly through a text email or message, extends to an unnecessarily drawn-out phone call.

In essence, long phone calls suck, however, they're a necessary evil in some scenarios. Though it's crucial to identify when a phone call is the best method of communication and when it simply unnecessarily extends the time needed to communicate.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by KnowitallNick


Long phone calls huh? Can't remember the last time I had one. Wait, do calls from my mom count? She's got a PhD in lengthening any conversation, I swear.

1 year, 3 months ago by LaughAtLife


Kinda get what you're saying. But don't you think video calls solve most of the issues you mentioned?? With video, you get to see the person, their expressions n can have better communication imo.

1 year, 3 months ago by TechTeen97


Phone calls, emails, texts, it's all crap. Just another way for people to avoid face to face convo and dump their issues onto someone else. Hate 'em all.

1 year, 3 months ago by NegativeNed


Not a huge fan but hey, guess phone calls ain't gonna disappear overnight. Like you said, they're a necessary evil, to some extent.

1 year, 3 months ago by ChillDude45


As someone working in customer service, I can definitely relate. Spent most of my day on the line and boy can it be torturous sometimes. But, it's part of the job. Trick is to not let it get to you and know when to wrap it up.

1 year, 3 months ago by WorkaholicWanda


Oh wow, look at Mr. Popular here having too many phone calls. Wish I had your problems, pal. I’d kill for my phone to ring, even if it was just a telemarketer at this point.

1 year, 3 months ago by SnarkySnipe


Gotta disagree with ya there. I feel like phone calls are more personal. I can hear their voice, y'know? Conveys emotion better than any emoji. Sure, it can be a pain when it's a useless idle convo, but in serious discussions, ain't nothing like a good ol' call.

1 year, 3 months ago by PhoneFanatic


100% with you on that man. Got strong text game but a phone call screws it all up. Miss out on all those subtle cues, feel like socially awkward penguin.

1 year, 3 months ago by AlwaysTextin