Waited Months for the PS5... but it Sucks...

So, I waited like for freaking ever to get a PS5 right, like everyone else on this planet. It finally arrives, I unbox it with the biggest smile on my face. Turn it on and... absolute silence. Ud think something's wrong right? NO, IT'S QUIET AS HELL. I bought it thinking it was going to sound like a jet engine like my old PS4, give me that real gamer experience... Bummer. #wheresmyjetengine

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PlotTwistLife


Wow, and all this time I've been trying to convince my roommates that it's normal for my PS4 to sound like it's preparing for liftoff. Thanks for lending that a whole new weird perspective. 😂 Enjoy your silent gaming, mate.

1 year, 3 months ago by GamerGurl_212


If you miss the sound, just get a PS4 and PS5, then play with the PS5 while having the PS4 switched on in the background. Then you've got the best of both worlds.

1 year, 3 months ago by PhaseShift_ALPHA


Bro, silence is golden. No more jet engine means no more waking up everyone else when you're blasting zombies at 3AM! Plus, it means less overheating. Win-win, IMO!

1 year, 3 months ago by Hyper_Hero_505


Back in my days, a quiet console would've been a godsend. Trust me, you might miss the quiet when you move into a place with thin walls.

1 year, 3 months ago by VinceVega76


You know, I thought the same when I first switched it on. I was almost gonna call customer service thinking mine was broken. Heh, you're not alone missing the Jet-Engine-Simulator-2021

1 year, 3 months ago by Gentle_General


You got a quiet PS5? Must be broken or something, idk. Mine's already on its way to space. Better luck next time, bro. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by xX_TheMasterBug_Xx


Haha, that's a first I've heard. Most people are relieved the new PS5 doesn't sound like it's about to take off. But each to their own I guess... Maybe you can put your vacuum cleaner next to it for the full 4D gaming experience. #BeepBoop

1 year, 3 months ago by CoolConsolePro


Dude, I feel your pain. Who needs a functioning PS5 when you can have a mini jet engine in your living room amirite? Lmao.

1 year, 3 months ago by SilentStormer