Okay so apparently, when I get flustered or clumsy, the universe decides that it's comedy hour. So, I've been dreaming of getting this limited edition graphic novel for months. Saved up, waited in line, the whole shebang. Finally got it, pristine and beautiful.
Can you guess what happened next?
I stop by a damn Starbucks on the way home. I order my drink, thinking 'Hey, a celebration coffee because why not?' I'm holding the book and the coffee, and wham! I bump into this dude, coffee goes flying all over the novel. My precious, limited edition, very expensive graphic novel.
It was the heartiest laugh the Starbucks crowd had that day, I'll tell you that much.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by foreverspilledcoffee
This is a punch in the gut! But let this be a lesson for us all. Whenever I'm getting something precious, I put it in a protective bag, wrapped in a default plastic bag, inside my backpack. Looks over the top? Maybe. But hey, I've never spilled coffee on my stuff.
As a coffee lover, I must say, your novel had quite the brew-tiful bath there! Sorry, too soon? Real talk tho, it sucks... maybe it’ll add character? Only half joking - I spilled tea on an old book once, and it gave it this cool, aged look. Again, trying to lighten the mood – losing a limited edition to a coffee spill is indeed the definition of /r/wellthatsucks.